You'll practice using all the plastic commands like Rib, Grill, and Rest commands. You'll mirror features and sketch geometry, practice advanced methods of adding threads, and learn how to control splines. Once you have a strong footing you'll be ready for advanced commands like the Sweep, Loft, and Shell commands. Since there's a lot to know about sketches that most users don't know you'll learn founding concepts that will prepare you for advanced topics.
After you've learned about the Inventor User Interface and some tips on how to customize it you'll practice creating sketches and using fundamental commands like the Extrude and Revolve commands. This is where advanced users begin to unlearn bad habits and beginners learn sound practices. You will learn from the ground up while you watch each step. Beginners can watch the first few lessons to learn about Inventor and then the real training begins. The Autodesk Inventor 2015: Solid Modeling video training course starts your training journey with the basics but quickly builds your skills to an extremely advanced level.